The ambition of Race Online 2012 is to ensure that everyone in the UK can enjoy the benefits of being online.
There are nine million adults in the UK who’ve never used the Internet. Over a third of these people are socially excluded and over six million are 65 years old or over. These people are missing out on what is now, for most of us in the UK, the primary route to information, education, jobs and customer savings.
Championed by Martha Lane Fox, the UK Digital Champion, we are building a cross-sector network of partners spanning the public, private and charity sectors. Our partners work together to develop initiatives to inspire, encourage, and support everyone in the UK to get online by the end of the Olympic year.
We are also working to inspire thousands of Digital Champions across the UK to support friends and family who don’t know how to use the Internet, we call them ‘non-liners’, to get online.